Belgian Beer Day :


they are complete(ly) and boring to some , just scroll down for Analasys…(and more)

we are now 5450 unique followers in 92 different Countries & BeerLievers in a Belgian Beer Day,

That is pretty cool, for now, isn’t it,

we’d love more people in Russia, China & Africa.

Europe’s Tweet & Facebook attack starts late December .


DO NOT MISS THE Bottom LineScroll Down & SUBSCRIBE please ?
 , Cheers ( share this page ===>)

These Maps show The Followers of Captain Cheers & Belgian Beer Day & their location , ONE Thousand followers a time / per MAP

These maps are Dynamic so you can zoom SPOT Your own DOT and find other BEERLIEVERS NEAR YOU, 
Get Together , Get more people Involved

@Belgianbeerday 2660 followers worldwide

 (started on twitter on my birthday August 29,2012) (4months ago)

@Captain Cheers : 3840 Followers Worldwide (started December 19,2011)(2 years ago)

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